Hi lovely friends! Ready for a weekend full of crafty projects? 🙂 This week I write about making clothes for other people… Not on a professional level, but for friends or family members. I imagine that lots of you have some experience on this and I would love to hear about it! Mine so far started, of course, when having nieces and nephews. Doesn’t it always happen that way? (hahaha). You’ve got a tiny little person near you and boom! you need to start making clothes for them like a maniac 🙂
In my case I made these two dresses for my two little nieces, Sara and Teresa, who were around 5 and 6 years old at the time. I used the lovely Zig Zag Drees pattern from See Kate Sew and this super cute fabric with clouds from Makeower.
I remember that they came out quite nicely BUT! they were waaaay too big for them and because they live in Spain my mum had to fix them. Also at the time I didn’t have as much experience sewing as I’ve got now and I struggled a bit with the sleeves (tiny sleeve holes! Those enemies of the seamstress, or just mine 🙂 ) and other parts…
Another small sewing project I’ve done a couple of times for my niece Iria and for the baby of a friend is this super easy reversible dress with a pattern from Mamma Can Do It, although it is something you can trace yourself in a flash.

The four pieces ready for sewing
For this I used two fabrics that I actually sell on my shop. The one with the lovely balloons that got sold out some time ago (I know… Too cute! The design is by Sarah Jane Studios) and another one with tiny orange elephants.

Both fabrics, ready to use
And this is the other version I made this month using some leftover fabric from a Negroni shirt I am currently sewing, in a lovely and light chambray, and another fabric designed by Sarah Jane. This took 45 minutes to make. A very quick project to squeeze in between bigger ones.

Love big buttons… and I can’t lie! 😉
Moving to adults… What a crazy nightmare can fitting be!? And more if we talk about people who don’t live in the same country as you… The first experience was with my friend María, who owns a lovely stationary shop in Spain. She wanted a blouse and as soon as I showed to her the Mathilde Blouse by Tilly and the Buttons I made for myself, she wanted just the same! First, I asked her for some measurements and the funniest part is that she used a rigid tape measure, like the ones you use for the house? Hahaha, could not believe it! But… in the end it turned out quite well 🙂
For the fabric she chose one of our super best-sellers, designed by talented illustrator and artist Eloise Renouf…
The finished blouse…
And the lovely María wearing it on a sunny day! The only part that slightly didn’t fit as well was the chest so the button stand produced some frays… But she was super happy with it and so was I! 🙂
One of the last projects I made for someone else was a Coco Dress using another Tilly’s pattern and this one was quite special as it was a suprise gift for my lovely cousin Elena (we are the same age and spent most part of our childhood playing together and growing up together). She is also an amazing illustrator and graphic designer who made our beautiful Coco Wawa logo!

Coco Dress ready for some serious sewing
She didn’t know anything about it so it was a bit risky! I asked my aunt for her size and this time I only got a “size S”. Glups! But as the Coco Dress is so easy to make and has a lose fitting shape, it didn’t worry me that much. I bought the fabric at Cloth House in London (a soft medium-weight interlock) and for this I used my overlocker for the first time ever. So fast to sew and so rewarding!

The finished Coco Dress
And this is the result! My beautiful cousin with her Coco Dress 🙂
She says that it is super comfy and… how lovely it looks with those polka dot tights?! 🙂
What do you think guys? Sewing for other people, yay! or nay? Would love to read your thoughts and experiences!