Like any other story, this one starts at the very beginning. Around four years ago, I attended a sewing class in London, where I have lived for more than five years now… and BLAH, BLAH, BLAH… Let’s cut the c*** guys! I just totally and completely fall in love with sewing after making (ME! a total craft looser) a tote bag more than four years ago. At that moment I thought “heck, yes! I love this!”. The feeling was just so amazing that from that moment on I have not been able to stop and sewing has become part of my life, helping me to start my own business.
After that near-heaven experience (ok, maybe I am going too far here, haha) I opened an online shop on Etsy, selling a few bolts of fabric. Also I kept practicing, I attended several surface pattern and printmaking for textile courses and learned pattern cutting and professional sewing techniques. And now, finally, I have decided to launch a proper website (thanks to my very own Minion. Hi Alan!) and a blog, right where you are now (don’t leave me yet! Now is when the good stuff comes).
Every week I will write here about sewing (of course!). I will show you my last sewing projects, will share some tips I have learned since I started, and also I will post video tutorials and will talk about my favourite pattern designers, mags and books that you may find useful; and hopefully you will learn something you can take with you to your own sewing spaces. BUT! This is not all guys, I will also invite crocheting and knitting bloggers and teachers to share their needles with you so you won’t get bored reading only about me every single week.
Apart from this, I have a special section called Crafters, where I will interview and write about independent makers and artists from very different fields that I specially like (you can already read a couple of them here and here that I published on my old blog). The crafting community is so amazing we need to support each other!
Now I am sure you will be thinking, uggh this girl, all is me, me, me! BUT, no! This blog, this website, this project is about all of you – us – guys. I want to hear from you whether in social media or writing comments on the blog, by email or phone, and also on meet-ups, craft fairs or over a cup of tea (and cake, of course) if you are in London or around. This is a real, humble blog about someone who loves sewing so much that just want you to get hooked as well.
And if you like what you have read so far you can also join the Coco Wawa’s monthly newsletter for product updates, offers and more fun (right at the bottom of this page).
Thank you for the read and happy sewing and knitting!

Picture credit: Mafalda Silva